Thursday, December 11, 2014

PSP_005557_1755_RED.JP2 - WATER, OIL OR SOMETHING ELSE? "Juventae Chasma Mound: Potential MSL Rover Landing"

In Copy 4 - 
NOTE: I have determined that the top layer that resembles chocolate fudge is a layer of SEDIMENT varying thicknesses. It covers the strata in some places and has probably been thinned by wind and liquid action throughout billions of years. This sediment that appears wet is a good indicator that this region was underwater more recently and may have accumulated under a SEA or Ocean, but is now a series of meandering rivers or streams and ponds that are replenished by the liquid overflow from the streams or rivers in this region. It is also very likely that the liquid that is possibly H2O still exists underneath the strata as an underground sea. 

If NASA is searching for microbes, this wet and damp region is probably a better place to search for microbial life instead of on Mount Sharp in Gale Crater. Gale Crater is obviously as dry as the deserts on Earth. If NASA finds ANY evidence of "microbial life", they would be dead and desiccated. Dead and desiccated microbes only mean that they once lived in the crater long ago.
But it is best to search for LIVING microbial life in order to examine locomotion, feeding process, toxicities and other important data besides DNA and RNA. It is for the benefit of our human astronauts who will explore and settle on Mars - to help keep them safe and healthy.

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