Monday, November 26, 2007

PSP_001493_1815_RED.JP2 "Dark Sand and Bright Bedrock in Terra Meridiani"

#1 Pixel: 14556,24135 Data: 471 Display: 169 Rotation: -67.8 degrees
I had to darken this photo and sharpen the lines a bit to show more details. I also had to turn the PSP around to the above rotation but it's quite unmistakeable that it's a good representation of a duck's head. There are many faces as usual, but the image of a duckling's face, beak and eye is amazing. There are drawings or carvings of Bobbles ("people" with giant heads and very small bodies) on the duck's head and other areas in the photo.

PSP_001374_1805_RED.JP2 (copy46fromJP2.jpg)#46 Pixel: 17249,4666 Data: 178 Display: 151
This actually belongs in the PSP_001374_1805_RED.JP2 section, but near the top of the crater rim that is within the crater in this photo is a disc shape with what looks like a black duck inside it. Since the photo above this one has what looks like a duckling's head, I thought this one needed to be in the same section. I have zoomed in much closer to this black duck and it certainly LOOKS like a duck. But this is so strange!! How is it possible to have ducks on Mars??
Maybe somebody can come up with the answer someday.
#2 Pixel: 23263,21911 Data: 460 Display: 164 Rotation: 47.5 degrees
These are some very interesting patterns in this photo, obviously artificially made. There are Bobbles walking on the ledge in the upper left side of the photo and elsewhere.
#3 Pixel: 23495,20960 Data: 282 Display: 85 Rotation: 47.5 degrees
I've included this photo here because of the many Bobbles on the right side and elsewhere.
#4 Pixel: 5655, 20147 Data: 274 Display: 70 Rotation: 2.4 degrees
Many faces in the rocks.

PSP_001493_1815copy5fromJP2.jpg#5 Pixel: 5586,19943 Data: 395 Display: 135 Rotation: -9.7 degrees
More interesting faces and patterns in the rocks. This photo is the upper portion of the #4 photo, above. These are all very nice carvings.


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