I will be providing the Location coordinates to each Mars photo with the PSP number, i.e., Pixel, Data and Display. . .and Rotation coordinates, if photo had to be turned. When viewing a full version JP2 photo from HiRISE with your IASViewer, keep in mind that each time your cursor settles on any area of the photo while viewing it with the IASViewer (downloadable from HiRISE), the location numbers show up on the left hand side of the Viewer. Move the cursor even just a tiny bit and the numbers change. The Pixel numbers will bring you to the exact location and then you will have to zoom in or zoom out from that spot to get the same distance as the photos provided here. Of course, you can move all around that area and into other areas. The Pixel numbers here are only for reference and you can have a bit more or less of the same numbers and still be in the same general area. The Pixel numbers in front of the comma are used for left and right movement, while the numbers after the comma are for up and down. If you choose the Geo-Jump feature, delete the numbers in the X and Y boxes, then type the first set of Pixel numbers into the X box, then the second set of numbers that come after the comma into the Y box, then click on GO. It will take you to a large plus sign in a photo. Click on the Zoom In button in the Viewer tool bar and then click on the plus sign until you get down to the area you are looking for. To get rid of the big plus sign, go further to the right or left to another area, copy the Pixel numbers to the X and Y boxes after deleting the old numbers, then click GO. The plus sign will be located in the area you are not interested in and then you can slide back to the area you originally wanted and the plus sign is no longer there. This method is particularly good when you want to Save or Save As the photo you like, otherwise, the plus sign will show up in the photo in your My Documents or My Pictures.
I hope all the strange Mars anomalies in these photos show up nice and clear on these pages, and you the viewer will enjoy my offerings. I study the JP2 versions very intensely but without bias. In other words, even if there were no critters on Mars at all, it would still be a very interesting planet. I wasn't looking for Martian critters before, but the evidence is there and people all over should be made aware that they exist, IMHO.
Please tell everyone you know about these photos and where they came from originally (HiRISE, NASA, JPL). The more people know about this, the better chance we'll have of getting NASA and subsidiaries to pay attention to what they should have been doing all along, mainly to listen to the fact that Mars is not a dead planet, biologically. Nature is positive.

Data: 274
Display: 63
Remarks: Strange looking critter with 2 eyes; no evidence of a nose; walrus-like wrinkles; possible mouthful of grit. It appears to have popped up from a hole in the ground. Is this a Martian gopher or prairie dog? To the right in this photo there is another hole in which there is something that has the same type of textured skin. Possibly another one of these critters.
Question: Is this ground on Mars solid, semi-liquid or mostly liquid? In many areas of the complete JP2 version, the ground appears quite wet, but dry in others.

Data: 220
Display: 44
Remarks: This appears to be another critter coming up out of a different hole in the ground. Somehow, it doesn't look exactly the same as the one in the first photo. It's more fish-like than mammal, in my estimation. It may be a different species altogether but lives side by side with others. I am unable to draw any conclusions, not ever having been on Mars, but there does seem to be an analogy with Earth critters.

Data: 289
Display: 68
Remarks: Here is yet another hole that is similar to the other 2 photos above. There appears to be another critter that has yet to emerge and is just below the liquidy looking surface. It might be feeding on something. If the subsurface or ground is actually floating on a liquidy substance, then perhaps the whole ground is moveable and can shift when disturbed.

Data: 397
Display: 36
Remarks: This is the closest I could get in this photo with my IASViewer without enlarging pixels. I had been looking for Copy 9 which is close to the north/south channel just like this photo. I almost bypassed this scene, but then I saw what looked like the head of a stone idol sticking out of the rock. It certainly resembled a statue with eyes, large nose and wearing a hat or turban on its head. But as I kept looking at it, I realized that it's not an idol at all and what appeared to be a "turban" is actually the mouth of a critter that has its mouth wrapped around what looks like a young woman's head, whose face is showing. The "face" and "young woman" may just be an optical illusion. Going backwards from the critter's mouth, I thought it resembled somewhat the critter in the Copy 6 photo but after checking Copy 6, I know it's something different. It has giant saw-toothed plates on its back, almost like that of a Stegosaurus. The mouth is wide open with 2 long teeth protruding from its lower jaw. The skin appears somewhat like a crocodile's. Below this scene is a part of the north-south channel. I will attempt to improve the resolution of this photo, if I can.
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