Hello to everyone and a heartfelt welcome to my website. . .
I copied these photos from the original, designated PSP_001916_2220.RED.JP2 "KNOBS AND MOUNDS ON THE NORTHERN PLAINS", from the HiRISE.LPL.ARIZONA.EDU website (courtesy of NASA, JPL and University of Arizona) sometime around May 2007. The original is in the JPEG2000 format and I also have that on CD, as well as many other PSP photos. All of the cropped photos in this webpage were created by me. If copying these photos, please give credit to me and my webpage URL. Thanks.
I use IASViewer, downloaded through the HiRISE website. I've only used the Contrast or Sharpen features on my HP or Adobe photo software that came with my computer to enhance the details a bit because many of the original JPEG2000 photos from HiRISE are sometimes too bright and lack enough contrast to see details more clearly. (I can't afford the expensive Adobe PhotoShop or Elements.) I do suspect that certain photos of Mars have been filterized and altered by one or two government employees (NASA? JPL? U of A?), possibly to prevent or diminish details being noticed that may indicate intelligent life or past life on Mars. I didn't have the foggiest notion as to why they would need to do this, but God and governments do work in strange ways. I now suspect that governments will probably never acknowledge that there is intelligent life on a nearby planet, because that may give credibility to all the sightings of extraterrestrial interplanetary or intergalactic spaceships (UFOs) and the intelligent life guiding them. NASA personnel and some others seem only interested in finding microbial life on Mars in deep underground caverns with some H2O availability. They don't appear to be all that interested in anything bigger than a germ and when confronted with possible evidence of alternative life forms, they act like it's up to the presenter to prove it. How do you prove anything when all we are going by are photos sent back from Mars?
One of the things that I find irritating about the HiRISE folks is their exclusive online pursuit of student and teacher input with much less regard for what lay people like me and other scientists have to offer. They have no program at all that I've heard of or established a department in NASA for Martian anomalies. But if they ever did, would they publish their findings in the popular media??
Now the HiRISE folks are putting up colorized JP2 photos on their website. Don't they realize that colorizing which isn't naturally occurring may cause a lot of anomalous details to go unnoticed?
I was greatly interested in this group of whitish, roundish blobs that are in the lower left corner of the designated PSP photo (see second photo) because, even from a distance, one can see that there are pictures IMPRINTED into the blobs of white material.
NOTE: It's also interesting that this PSP photo, in its entirety, is located due WEST of the Cydonia region where the original "Face on Mars" is located, according to the Map of Mars in the HiRISE website. I found this out quite by accident through clicking on all the dots on the Mars map to see if I already had those JP2's.



In the foreground there appears to be his right "foot" that has an impact hole in it. I also see a "goat's head" to his right at a level with his own head, but I'm not sure where the goat's body is.



I need a lot of answers to my questions about Mars and everything about it that shows up in the anomalous photos I and so many other people have. NASA needs to be forthcoming and honest or we will have to cut off their funding. LOL

Note: In my opinion, it is best to download the JP2 version onto a CD and then use a bit of Contrast feature for bringing out details, rather than merely viewing the photos on the HiRISE Mars map because the onsite IASViewer doesn't offer enough Zooming in and doesn't offer any Contrast at all that I could see.
Also, when using your downloaded IASViewer, take advantage of the Auto DRA button for Contrast, if you need it, and on the left side of the Viewer window, when you get to an area and zoom distance that you want to return to, make note of the PIXEL numbers, Display numbers and Data numbers so that you can go back to that same spot later on.
Any questions, comments, clean jokes and theories are welcome.
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