But it is best to search for LIVING microbial life in order to examine locomotion, feeding process, toxicities and other important data besides DNA and RNA. It is for the benefit of our human astronauts who will explore and settle on Mars - to help keep them safe and healthy.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
PSP_005557_1755_RED.JP2 - WATER, OIL OR SOMETHING ELSE? "Juventae Chasma Mound: Potential MSL Rover Landing"
In Copy 4 -
NOTE: I have determined that the top layer that resembles chocolate fudge is a layer of SEDIMENT varying thicknesses. It covers the strata in some places and has probably been thinned by wind and liquid action throughout billions of years. This sediment that appears wet is a good indicator that this region was underwater more recently and may have accumulated under a SEA or Ocean, but is now a series of meandering rivers or streams and ponds that are replenished by the liquid overflow from the streams or rivers in this region. It is also very likely that the liquid that is possibly H2O still exists underneath the strata as an underground sea.
If NASA is searching for microbes, this wet and damp region is probably a better place to search for microbial life instead of on Mount Sharp in Gale Crater. Gale Crater is obviously as dry as the deserts on Earth. If NASA finds ANY evidence of "microbial life", they would be dead and desiccated. Dead and desiccated microbes only mean that they once lived in the crater long ago.
But it is best to search for LIVING microbial life in order to examine locomotion, feeding process, toxicities and other important data besides DNA and RNA. It is for the benefit of our human astronauts who will explore and settle on Mars - to help keep them safe and healthy.
But it is best to search for LIVING microbial life in order to examine locomotion, feeding process, toxicities and other important data besides DNA and RNA. It is for the benefit of our human astronauts who will explore and settle on Mars - to help keep them safe and healthy.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
PSP_005557_1755_RED.JP2 - WATER, OIL OR SOMETHING ELSE? "Juventae Chasma Mound: Potential MSL Rover Landing"
Observation Toolbox below was copied from the HiRise website for this PSP. It is incomplete on this page and does not include Longitude and other important data. The other data can be read from the HiRise website. To search for this and other PSPs, in the Search box, type in the first 4 numbers, in this case it is 5557. Then choose from whatever comes up.
Observation Toolbox
Acquisition date: | 03 October 2007 | Local Mars time: | 2:17 PM | ||
Latitude (centered): | -4.7 degrees | Longitude (East): | 296.8 degrees | ||
Range to target site: | 270.8 | Original image scale range: | 27.1 | ||
Map projected scale: | 25 | Map projection: | EQUIRECTANGULAR | ||
Emission angle: | 12.5 degrees | Phase angle: | 23.0 degrees | ||
Solar incidence angle: | 35 degrees, with the Sun about 55 degrees above the horizon | Solar longitude: | 324.5 degrees, Northern Winter | ||
For non-map projected products: | |||||
North azimuth: | 96 degrees | Sub-solar azimuth: | 346.2 degrees | ||
For map-projected products | |||||
North azimuth: | 270 degrees | Sub solar azimuth: | 161.7 degrees |
abrowse.jpg - this is what the original JP2 looks like in miniature. I found the liquid areas through zooming in and out of the large file using the IASViewer that I downloaded from the HiRise website.
Copy 3C1 - shows what resembles a pipeline from high above the terrain. Above the "pipe" there appears to be a creek or river. I will call it a river to avoid repetition. There are other "pipes" in other areas of this region, as you will see.
Copy 3C2 - There appears to be 1 or 2 pipes with what may be a "pond" or pool with a reflection of the white material above it.
Copy 3C3 - This is an interesting pie-shaped rock or boulder that seems to be split into quarters with one of the quarters dug out and another part is partially excavated. Look a lot closer and you might see strange faces/heads embedded in the rock material.
Copy 3C - On the left side of the white split rock is what appears to be a slightly wet, sandy soil. I wonder if it could be phyllosilicates (a compound that NASA is searching for on Mars).
On the right side of the rock is what appears to be a wet area full of a liquid, gel or an oily substance that flows under the sandy areas and reappears above ground elsewhere. According to scientists, H2O tends to evaporate into a gas in a CO2 atmosphere. So, this liquid might not be water, as we know it.
Copy 4 - I cannot figure out why this photo makes me think of chocolate fudge layer cake - : -)
Toward the left side of the photo, the fudge or sandy layer is much thicker than what is covering the ground material on the right side. I am uncertain as to what the contents of the ground material might be. It looks almost like a garbage dump. All that's needed are seagulls.
Copy 5 - I call this photo, "Blue Jay Way" because it resembles a giant Blue Jay drinking from a heart-shaped pond. How does this kind of whimsy happen on a SUPPOSEDLY barren and lifeless planet like Mars? And how does Martian geology so closely resemble earthly creatures? Hopefully, we will find the answer soon. There are other PSP photos in my other pages that have more whimsical geological formations that resemble animals.
Copy 5A - Here I have outlined the "Blue Jay" within a red rectangle for those who have a hard time seeing it. I am uncertain if there really is a liquid or oil in the "pond", but I believe that the dark colored area at the bottom is a part of the flow of liquid or oil coming from other areas of this region.
Copy 6 - Liquid or oil appears to be flowing from somewhere in the middle of this photo downward toward the bottom right side. The contents of the whitish areas are quite disturbing to me. I don't know if anyone else can see what I see, but it makes me think of mass graves of strange creatures. Who knows, I could be right. . .or wrong.
Copy 8 - This, I think, shows a slightly wet sandy area on the left, and the dark area seems to be a pool of liquid or oil. I have no idea what all those wispy, whitish objects are on the right. This is a place I would not want to be at, even inside a spacesuit.
Copy 9 - This appears to be a deep liquid or oil filled pond, OR, it might be a downward slope of sandy material. It is a part of the large 2-sectioned "pond" further down from the twin peaks. Many of the strange objects that resemble wisps of white cotton seem to have faces. Look very closely with a magnifier. I have a bit of a feeling of foreboding about that wispy white substance; it almost looks like some sort of FUNGUS to me that is growing on those objects. I do hope that some Earthly fungus did not hitch a ride on a previous Rover and contaminated this area of Mars. The technicians working on the early Rovers in those early years were not, unfortunately, maintaining the scrupulously clean conditions that are used in 2011.
Copy 10A - This photo shows the liquid or oil or gelatinous substance oozing, dripping and gushing out of the ground material above. The red lines indicate where some of the liquid is coming from. The 2 "PIPES" above seem to be for the purpose of holding back the liquid from the river above the pipes.
I was surprised that such big drops form out of the ground material in this region of Mars. There is a river above which is why this hillside is weeping liquid. It is easy to differentiate the wet from the dryer areas. The wet is darker, as on Earth.
Copy 10B - This is to the right of Copy 10A. It shows the right end of the "pipes" and more liquid falling. I don't know why the liquid appears gelatinous in this and other photos. It reminds me of pictures taken with very fast film in the old days, and how water drops appeared gelatinous. The pipes in this region do not seem to be natural to these areas. They do not blend in with the ground material or the sandy stuff. If you look above the pipes, you can see the "watermarks" or tide marks where the river meets the dry areas of the shore. The bottom of the river is dark with fallen debris. The pipes are doing a poor job of holding back the liquid, if that is the intent.
Copy 10D - I turned this photo about 90 degrees counter-clockwise to show the seeping through of the liquid or oil out of the material above it as the drops head downward. The pipes are on the left, partly embedded in the liquid.
Copy 10 - Another closeup of the liquid or oil.
Copy 12A - This photo shows what may be a pond full of the same liquid. The left side of it is the same as Copy 9. It also shows the surrounding area from a distance.
Copy 14A - Here is part of the region from a greater distance. The 2 pipes are outlined in red dots. This is such a fascinating, yet scary place. (For me, that is).
Copy 14B - I included this because on the left side of the photo, there appears (to me, that is), what could be a small village within a valley with rough terrain. It also looks like an artist has made 2 gigantic face paintings on the downward slope of a hillside. I am not going to outline what I see in red. Some will see it, but many probably will not. I am fully aware of the effects of light and shadow and have made allowances for that.
PLEASE NOTE!! I zoomed into this photo later on and discovered that I was wrong about a possible village. The faces that I saw morphed into indistinguishable natural objects the closer I zoomed in to what I thought were giant paintings or artwork. I feel a little sad about that, but it's alright. However, that does not mean that it is not there. It just means that from a certain distance above the ground, it can be seen. But the closer one gets to the target area from above, the less chance of recognizing the whole picture. That is similar to viewing crop circles in England from an airplane or satellite, and seeing it from a very low-flying balloon.
PLEASE NOTE!! I zoomed into this photo later on and discovered that I was wrong about a possible village. The faces that I saw morphed into indistinguishable natural objects the closer I zoomed in to what I thought were giant paintings or artwork. I feel a little sad about that, but it's alright. However, that does not mean that it is not there. It just means that from a certain distance above the ground, it can be seen. But the closer one gets to the target area from above, the less chance of recognizing the whole picture. That is similar to viewing crop circles in England from an airplane or satellite, and seeing it from a very low-flying balloon.
Copy 14C - This shows the area to the right of the pond. The liquid in the pond seems to be climbing a bit higher and may have exceeded the height of the pond's bank after the HiRise camera took this picture. I don't understand what geological processes have caused these various terrain in the JP2 file. I just find it so amazing, as I am sure others do also.
There seems to be a continuation of the flow of the liquid as it appears to be accumulating in pools o the right side of the photo and cascading downwards slightly, almost like a waterfall on the right front of the photo.
Copy 14E - Another view from above.
Copy 14K - This shows the left side of the 2 pipes embedded into the strange ground material, possibly to channel the liquid that is seeping out of the ground which is forming a river or a creek. Notice the glossy, gelatine-like mass just above the left end of the upper pipe.
Copy 14L1A - The blue dots show where some of the liquid is seeping from. I was going to add a duplicate of this photo, Copy 14L that doesn't have the blue dots, but I think that maybe some people may not recognize that there is liquid present here, so the blue dots will stay.
Copy 14N - This shows the wet and dry areas on and around the "twin peaks". The dry areas are lighter in color except for the reflections in the wet areas which are due to sunlight. The river runs between the peaks and the white area at the top of the photo.
Copy 14P - Closeup of the ravine between the "twin peaks". The ravine is filled with the liquid or oil which is not only coming through the ravine from the river, but the liquid is also seeping out of the peaks. The top of each peak is dry and rocky, while the sides are smooth and mostly wet. The bottom of the ravine is dark with debris that rolled downhill. I would love to know what the chemical makeup is of this liquid. Maybe someday NASA will send a Rover to this region of Mars to find out.
Copy 14R - In another area of the JP2, the red dots indicate 4 more pipes. I do not understand how the pipes came to be in this region of Mars, but I have seen at least one other pipe similar to these, but in another part of Mars in one of the photos taken by the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) that was aboard the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) prior to 2007. The MGS orbiter was lost and presumed to have crashed into Mars. The HiRise camera is superior to the MOC, in my opinion.
Copy 14Q1 - I could not complete this PSP without including this photo and the next one. It looks nightmarish to me.
Copy 14Q2 - This is to the right of the photo above this one. There is something in the far left in the photo that looks like some strange animal. A badger? A Tasmanian Devil? Wait!! I almost forgot, this is on Mars!!! But still, it IS interesting.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
The following photos are from a previous page in this weblog. I had added colorized versions in order to clarify the human-like life forms in the photos and try to emphasize their appearances and to enable viewers of this blog to actually see them better. I removed the colorized photos several months ago to try to improve them. But, due to my inferior photo software, I seem to have been unable to make much of an improvement. So, I am presenting them again here, as they are.
The life forms are in a crater on Mars. I had downloaded the black & white JPEG2000 large file photos from www.hirise.lpl.arizona.edu in the year 2007 and published them and many others sometime around March 2008 here on my weblog. Using the IASViewer downloaded from the HiRise website, I was able to find these life forms, as well as many other interesting Martian artifacts, notably what appears to me to be artwork, such as face/head sculptures or carvings done by someone on Mars.
From PSP_001374_1805_RED.JP2

This layered material is apparently part of an upward sloped wall of a hillside within the large crater. There are several cave-like openings that may tunnel well into the interior. Three of the life forms can be easily seen in this photo. One of the openings appear to contain at least two "statuettes", possibly idols.

These four photos above show the two females. Note the shadow cast by the headdress or cap that the female below is wearing.
The very intricate face/head carvings or sculptures on the layered rocky walls do not appear to be natural.
This giant appears to be trying to climb over the broken stone idol to visit with the "girls" down below in the "grotto". His face is surrounded by some type of head covering and he may be wearing something to keep him warm. . . .a parka, maybe? Apparently, all of the beings living in this crater are of gigantic proportions, probably due to the lesser amount of gravitational pull. He looks quite ghostly, but I don't think he and the others are ghosts.
Mars is so different from Earth, and yet, similar in many ways. But the life forms I have found on Mars prove to me that the conditions on the planet have molded them in certain ways so as to adapt to those very strange conditions that would kill us quickly without the proper life support equipment and protection. Life is created and evolves under some of the worst. . . .and some of the best of conditions. It all depends on where in the Universe(s) you were born and raised.
7 February 2010
The five photos above are the closest I could zoom into the area. Any closer and the pixels enlarge and the resolution starts to deteriorate even more. I thought this shade of blue would be nice to show off the faces and symbols carved on the rock wall. The male-like sculpture on the left side of the photo looks almost human, in my opinion. But the one on the right is less so. There seems to be some sort of hedgehog-like creature sitting in front of and towards the left side of the male sculpture. It looks like it has sharp quills standing on end and a pointy snout. Also, the sculpture on the right side seems to have something with many, many legs crawling onto the left side of "her" face. It is partially on her face and partially off. If this had been photographed by a camcorder aboard the MRO orbiter, we might have been able to see whether or not it was climbing up or down.
A good magnifier, as usual, is needed to see in more detail. Of course, it could all just be my imagination. But I don't think it is. You will have to decide for yourself as to what YOU see.
The following photos are from a previous page in this weblog. I had added colorized versions in order to clarify the human-like life forms in the photos and try to emphasize their appearances and to enable viewers of this blog to actually see them better. I removed the colorized photos several months ago to try to improve them. But, due to my inferior photo software, I seem to have been unable to make much of an improvement. So, I am presenting them again here, as they are.
The life forms are in a crater on Mars. I had downloaded the black & white JPEG2000 large file photos from www.hirise.lpl.arizona.edu in the year 2007 and published them and many others sometime around March 2008 here on my weblog. Using the IASViewer downloaded from the HiRise website, I was able to find these life forms, as well as many other interesting Martian artifacts, notably what appears to me to be artwork, such as face/head sculptures or carvings done by someone on Mars.
From PSP_001374_1805_RED.JP2
This is just a small part of the photo of the crater in which the life forms and others live. The original PSP only shows half of the whole crater (the left side). I have not seen the right side of it yet.

This layered material is apparently part of an upward sloped wall of a hillside within the large crater. There are several cave-like openings that may tunnel well into the interior. Three of the life forms can be easily seen in this photo. One of the openings appear to contain at least two "statuettes", possibly idols.
This is the black & white version of my original photo of the human-like life forms. There are four semi-transparent beings; two are in front of the cave-like opening in the left top third of the photo.
The male has "his" two arms outstretched towards his right. His right hand appears to be sticking out of a sleeve that is voluminous and hangs downwards. His two legs appear to have a pair of shoes on them and his "feet" appear to be pointing towards his left. He, and the female who is barely discernible but is directly behind him, are in a sitting position. It is hard to figure out if these two are sitting on a rock or ledge or are sitting in mid-air with no physical support. If they are not supported by anything, that could be due to the lesser amount of gravitational pull on Mars, as well as being of a lighter weight. The female appears to be wearing a type of crown on "her" head, while the male in front of her is wearing a very distinctive and unusual helmet on his head. It is definitely a helmet and nothing like I have ever seen before and it could very well be metallic.
In the bottom half of the middle of the photo, there are two female beings, also semi-transparent. The one below in a sitting position is in profile. She appears to be young and is wearing an elaborate headdress that is also semi-transparent. The headdress casts a shadow on the rock in front of and to the left of where she is sitting. A little above the headdress is another female wearing a headband. Below the headband her features show two eyes, nose and mouth which is open in a big smile, showing teeth. Her head casts a shadow on the layered rock wall to her left.
In the following photos that I have colorized, you may be able to discern each figure better than in the black & white. Also, please trace out the many sculptured heads/faces in the layered rock walls of this hillside "grotto".
NOTE: Due to the semi-transparent quality of their physical bodies and clothing, the carvings or sculptures that are on the layered rock walls can be seen behind these Martian beings almost as though looking through a hazy glass.

The very intricate face/head carvings or sculptures on the layered rocky walls do not appear to be natural.
Mars is so different from Earth, and yet, similar in many ways. But the life forms I have found on Mars prove to me that the conditions on the planet have molded them in certain ways so as to adapt to those very strange conditions that would kill us quickly without the proper life support equipment and protection. Life is created and evolves under some of the worst. . . .and some of the best of conditions. It all depends on where in the Universe(s) you were born and raised.
7 February 2010
This area of the hillside where the humanoid life forms live (presumably) is a bit further down from where they are. On the left side of this cropped photo is a cave-like structure. Within the structure there are two heads/faces which I assume were sculpted and possibly represent the images of either two deities, or are memorials to two humanoid life forms who have died.
I was able to zoom into this photo a little bit more to bring the viewer closer to the sculptures (below).
A good magnifier, as usual, is needed to see in more detail. Of course, it could all just be my imagination. But I don't think it is. You will have to decide for yourself as to what YOU see.
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